Wednesday, April 22, 2009

young and smart

The sign said something along the lines of:

to all young costumers:
If you are fed up with your parents,
move out and start earning your own money
and paying your own rent.
Do it fast, until you are young
and know everything.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

time and time again

Time goes by so quickly that only an anniversary or a birthday or something that counts your years will remind you where you are in time. My old friends' visit last week took me back, wow I don't even want to admit, to 1998 when I first entered university. I had to count and count again on my fingers to believe that it's been 11 years!
And then we had the first 30th birthday last week to kick start the many 30th birthdays we will be celebrating this year. What reminded me of all this was that yesterday was the 3 year anniversary of this blog; so if you count دختر آفتاب I've had a personal blog for 4 years now. It's still all just numbers to me and I will need more time to absorb that 11, 30 and 4 are the number of years and not months associated with things in my life ...

Saturday, April 04, 2009


Happiness keeps you sweet
Trials keep you strong
Sorrows keep you human
Life keeps you humble ...