Wednesday, May 31, 2006


My 1000 piece puzzle in the lab is about half done and it didn't even take a week to get here. I am doing it again. This was supposed to take at least a month ... I wish there was a job you could get paid for making jigsaw puzzles, my ideal job ... I have to learn to pace myself better ...

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

in progress

I have lived a long couple of days. It's been so busy ... I had a friend visit, one of my friends had an operation and of course the move and a couple of other things on the side ... Believe it or not with all the work and the ongoing research at school I feel happy, relaxed and energetic and I am loving it!

Friday, May 26, 2006

last day

It was the last time that I stood at this bus stop to go to school. I've been doing it for about 4 years now, WOW, that's a long time! I'm moving to my new place tomorrow and I am so very excited. If all goes well I'll be pretty well settled by workday Monday. And then it's shopping time. I'll be going around buying things for my new home ... goodbye dear home, you've been so nice to me and I appreciate that, thank you ...

Thursday, May 25, 2006


برای زیستن دو قلب لازم است
قلبی که دوست بدارد، قلبی که دوستش بدارند
قلبی که هدیه کند، قلبی که بپذیرد
قلبی که بگوید، قلبی که جواب بگوید
قلبی برای من، قلبی برای انسانی که من می خواهم
تا انسان را در کنار خود حس کنم

شاملو -

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

don't talk

I suffered a really bad cold in April and I had a little bit of a, well, let's say I felt a little under the weather these last couple of days. As always my voice was the most effected both times. And God forbid if I take any care of it. Every night on the long weekend I was singing and dancing, the dancing is ok it's the singing or better said, the shouting that stresses the vocal cords. The only true remedy is to keep quiet for a while and let the vocal cords rest. But it's me, I can't stop talking! I'll die! or else I'll loose my voice and then I'll die ...

سنت پیامبر

من خوندم و لجم در اومد حالا شما بخونین

Tuesday, May 23, 2006


... it's tearing me apart and I never knew I cared ...

Monday, May 22, 2006


دیشب دوباره خواب مار دیدم، سه تا! چه خبره؟

Sunday, May 21, 2006

help not wanted

I called the shelter a while ago and told them I would like to volunteer. The lady read me the details about the training I need to go through and said she'll call me back, she never did, I wonder why?

Saturday, May 20, 2006


If that's the question, then the answer is No, I can't marry a man who doesn't want to have children. No matter how much he loves me and how well he takes care of me. And yes, I do realize that finding such a relationship again will be difficult, but there are no buts and ifs when it comes to children. I want to be a mom someday and I want the father of my child(ren) to be as excited as I am about being a parent.


He lost contact with reality a long time ago, and there is no saying how. The reason however might not be such a mystery. As we walk through life we develop many techniques to protect ourselves against what hits us. Some times we forget to go back and check if our techniques are based on real life concepts or not; as long as it keeps up a shield and takes the responsibility off our shoulders we don't want to change it.
I told him that he is far from how he should be thinking and perceiving life. He understands, but thinks it's too late to change it. Decisions are another part of our life that are very dependent on the techniques we have developed for coping with life, so I guess that is as much as I can do ...

Friday, May 19, 2006


"Ultrasound is not a toy, it is for medical purposes ...", "We just don't know the risks, it would be irresponsible of use to let people use it ...", "It can't be comfortable for the baby ..."
These are some of the issues raised by concerned doctors with the new trend of 3-D ultrasounding now being used for keeping memories of the unborn child ... I think parents don't think clearly, what responsible parent would put their child at risk for a photo or a few minutes of film?


  • She keeps telling me that I know what I am doing.
  • He thinks I make good decisions.
  • He says I have a talent for finding the best solution.
  • She explained to me that she would have made the same choice if she could have.
  • ....
First of all how did I mislead these people and second, even if true what good is it if it just makes me turn away all the time?


Once you think you have your feet on solid ground, it moves ...


Knowing that something will happen soon doesn't make it any easier to take ...

Thursday, May 18, 2006

day by day

  • Packing is going to take for ever! I spent a couple of hours just for the book shelf!
  • Never is a good time for some things, I mean how can it be?
  • And what's with me flipping through life as if I know what I'm doing? Honestly, I think a lot of it is just chance ...

Wednesday, May 17, 2006


The cycle of thought, what actually "makes sense" and the reasoning is a different path for different people, which is to some extent based on their professional training. The next effect of professionalism comes when you start hanging out with your colleagues ... and before you know you are living in isolation ... it isn't necessarily a bad thing, you can live a happy full life and never worry about the other "sections" of society ... but every once in a while when you find yourself talking to someone who doesn't find some things as obvious as you do and who makes assumptions you can't figure out, you start to wonder how far from the average "conversation" you are ...

Tuesday, May 16, 2006


What if everything in life was quantizable? Wouldn't that make it so much easier? Then you could finely weigh all your options against one another and make a choice! And guess what, I have half a dozen decisions to make at the same time, and it's all sunny, and my brain just doesn't want to think. Hmm, I still wish everything in life was quantizable!

transition state

I am astonished at how patient I have become and even more surprised at how grown up I act. Look at this and this and this and now look at me! Way to go! May I should take me on a shopping spree, although I had already planned it!


In a world when BBC can interview the wrong person there is no telling what is going to happen next!

diversity and equity

According to the Canadian Immigration Magazine SFU is among the five top employers in Canada, now this makes you proud doesn't it!

P.S. I read this in the Peak ...

Monday, May 15, 2006


It has been the subject of many of our conversations, when do you know the person is the one? Although we keep coming to the conclusion that is very different from person to person this article claims to set some general rules ...

driving force

My supervisor just gave me credit for getting the nice new sunny lab! That's one more thing to smile about for today ...


خدا گر ز حکمت ببندد دری، ز رحمت گشاید در دیگری

Sunday, May 14, 2006

mother's day

Too bad that I am so far away, she deserves so much more than words can ever give ...


The last time I tried to solve a Sudoku puzzle I thought it was interesting, but I never imagined it was such a big thing. Apparently there are worldwide competitions and Sudoku crazes! According to the man who made it so popular, Wayne Gould, it's better than a crossword because it goes past the language barrier. Well, that's a new way to spend some time relaxing ...

on your side

But is there someplace far away, someplace where all is clear
Easy to start over with the ones you hold so dear
Or are you left to wander, all alone, eternally
When this isn't how it's really meant to be
No it isn't how it's really meant to be

Well they say that love is in the air, never is it clear
How to pull it close and make it stay
Butterflies are free to fly, why do they fly away
Leavin' me to carry on and wonder why
Was it you that kept me wandering through this life
When you know that I was always on your side

- Sheryl Crow

Saturday, May 13, 2006


How about this, whenever I want to complain someone tells me something that I feel I just shouldn't. I should just be thankful and live the blessings I have ... I wonder why and I wonder how ... but it happens each and every time, no exceptions ...

Friday, May 12, 2006


دوباره دلم همون تیکه ابر رو می خواد، همون تیکه رو


پس ما دوباره برگشتیم به اونجا که بودیم: این الهامات و آن دعوت

open doors

You can't help a person who doesn't understand their problem,
and you can't push a person to a fuller life,
and you can't realize what they fantasize,
and you can't make things change when they make no effort,
you can only walk away knowing there was nothing you could do,
knowing this, too, was out of your control,
hoping your efforts count for something in life ...


Now I know that I tried and it didn't work; and now I know even better that I should trust my instincts. I'll take the road, no matter where it leads me ...

Thursday, May 11, 2006


Until we moved into our new lab I hadn't realized what wonderful people I work with ...


When the caterpillar thought its life was over
it turned into a butterfly ...

hair day

You know how you remember all the bad hair days especially those you have photos on, well I had a good hair day yesterday, I wonder why you always forget those?


Am I doing this because I can't make a decision? Truth be told it's not really up to me, I feel the situation is not right for deciding. Yet, lingering is not my thing, I hate the suspension. I like to make clean cut decisions ...

Wednesday, May 10, 2006


It's so cool to sit in the lab with bare feet, it makes your brain function!


... it's not the years in your life that count
it's the life in your years ...

- Abraham Lincoln


از بین همه چی انصافا گوجه سبزها خیلی جالب بود

Tuesday, May 09, 2006


I am facing one of those questions again, how much is enough? Will I ever come up with an answer to that question or do I always have to trust my gut feeling to figure out life? Or maybe that is the right way ...


... love is finding someone you can't live without ...

P.S. As much as I would like to believe that it seems to me that it's not true!

Monday, May 08, 2006

tax break

As much as I hate Harper, I really like his ideas on cutting down scholarship taxes. That will mean a couple of thousand dollars a year for me. Think of all I can do with that!


رفتیم کنسرت سیما بینا. خیلی خوب بود خیلی! همه اش یادم بود که چقدر عمه منیره دوست داشت سیما بینا رو ببینه و چقدر من دلم می خواست الان پیشم بود و با هم لذت می بردیم. حالا رفتم ایران واسش تعریف می کنم اونقدر خوب که انگار خودش اونجا بوده ... و من کسی بودم که فکر می کردم دلم تنگ نمی شه ...
یه جوری احساس می کنم خیلی وقت خوبی بود واسه کنسرتش. انگار احتیاج داشتم یه کسی بهم یه خاطره هایی رو یادآوری کنه

Sunday, May 07, 2006


می بینم دوباره، می بینم خدا رو

Saturday, May 06, 2006


من مي‌خواهم صحنه‌هايي را به تو نشان دهم كه مثل سيلي به صورتت بخورد و امنيت تو را خدشه‌دار كند و به خطر بيندازد. مي‌تواني نگاه نكني، مي‌تواني خاموش كني، مي تواني هويت خودرا پنهان كني، مثل قاتل‌ها، اما نمي‌تواني جلوي حقيقت را بگيري، هيچ كس نمي‌تواند

كاوه گلستان


I still haven't figured what I did to deserve all my wishes coming true, even the little ones that I whisper ...

Thursday, May 04, 2006


After my tour of Picasso's work I have some insight into it, but I don't think I will ever understand how you could pay $95 million dollars for one painting. Well, I guess that's why I'll never have that much money ...


مدتها بود که از این کارها نکرده بودیم. تو رستوران نشسته بودیم که دوتا خانم نسبتا مسن اومدن نشستن میز کناری. نمی دونم چه جوری شروع شد اما بعد از یه مدت داشتیم می گفتیم و می خندیدم و رستوران رو مسخره می کردیم. هی از میزمون خم می شدیم یواشکی یه چیزی به هم می گفتیم و می خندیدیم، مثل بچه مدرسه ایها. خیلی خوش گذشت

Wednesday, May 03, 2006


I shopped at a self checkout store for the first time today. It was so cool, and now I don't need to apply for the job to have the fun, I can go shopping!

Tuesday, May 02, 2006


I really admire it, in some ways he's like a little boy ...