Sunday, August 26, 2007


The Fifth Estate did a documentary on crusades, specifically on Benny Hinn. He runs a religious ministry which unlike many ministries does not disclose its finances; and since he is the leader, the ministry pays for all his expenses including his house and bills. And apparently he likes the high life; nice car, a home on the beach, presidential suites in hotels, and bodyguards.

From what he has disclosed, the ministry's revenue has been estimated around $250-million a year. The financial forensic accountant who was presented with confidential financial documents descried the expenditures as "well above what is reasonable". The most outrageous part of the documentary for me was that a former guard described that after signing 30 Bibles he put his pen down and said, I just made $30,000! Above and beyond all of this, all the so called "cured" patients the Fifth Estate contacted show no sign of improvement, so he's getting all this money and he's just a charade! Now this is Mass-Seduction!

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