Friday, February 02, 2007


I went up to the bus driver and said: If it ever happens in your life that someone kicks you when you're down, remember today and what you did to that old lady.

You're probably wondering what he did. First of all he closed the door in her face. She pushed her hand through so it got stuck in the door. Instead of opening the door immediately he waited to see if she would pull her hand out and change her mind about getting on the bus. Since she didn't pull her hand out he had to open the door; she got in and he started grumping about the can-filled garbage bags she had.

At the stop where she wanted to get off, he told her that she should go through the back door. Obviously it was impossible for her to get through with all the things she was carrying. She struggled. A young girl got up to help but she couldn't do anything either. A middle aged lady got up, picked up the old woman's cart and went to the front. She looked the driver in the eye and very affirmatively said: Open the door! He opened the door without saying a word.

The lady uploaded the cart and the big garbage bag and then helped the old lady down the steps. As she sat back down on her seat she said: She was just an old woman for God's sake!

In response to my comment the driver started to explain that it was garbage and he didn't want it on his bus and even if it were me carrying the garbage he wouldn't have let me in. I shook my head at him and got off the bus. I know he knows that he would have given me the same smile and greeting even if I were carrying a big black garbage bag. He probably would have got off and helped me with the bags ...

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