Monday, December 08, 2008

a dose of sunshine

I have decided to start taking vitamin D. The general recommendation is for people in the lower mainland to take vitamin D supplements from October to April. In addition, ethnicity studies suggest that people with darker skin tones should take vitamin D supplements. So despite my resistance I am finally convinced! It hasn't been that long yet but I do feel a little more awake when I get up in the morning. Now whether that is psychological or it's really the effect of the pills I can't tell :)

Two related articles you may want to take a look at: sunshine vitamin, pregnant and lactating women and infants. The suggested intake for vitamin D is about 1000 IU per day. The table below gives some information about the sources of the sunshine vitamin.

Source: B.C. Ministry of Health
Food Serving Vitamin D
Milk 1 cup 100 IU
Fortified rice or soy beverage 1 cup 100 IU
Fortified margarine 2 tsp 53 IU
Salmon canned, pink 3 oz 530 IU
Tuna canned, light 3 0z 200 IU

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