Tuesday, August 01, 2006


If it was a human barrier or if it was the Israelis purposely hitting civilians, it's disgusting. They stopped the air missiles for 2 days and all people could do was run from their homes. All the pain aside, they left everything and ran with their lives ... Bush met with Blair yesterday, Rice cancelled her peacemaking trip and the UN meeting got nowhere. Yes we all cried when the children died clutching to their mothers, but isn't there any thing we could do for those alive? We are the only hope. It doesn't seem we understand that, or we understand and we don't care. Is all this stillness because there are Jews on one side? ... and why did Mel Gibson apologize for saying Jews are responsible for all the wars in the world? I think he really meant it, I wouldn't say he is that wrong. Or maybe he had to because the Jews govern Hollywood ... what's becoming of us?


Anonymous said...

trust me, Mel Gibson is wrong and Jewism is different from Zionism.

dokhtare aftab said...

hmm, you might be right about that and you can't just tag a group of people ... i do feel however that there is some concern ...