Friday, August 25, 2006

kicked out

Poor Pluto, they changed the definition of a planet and now Pluto no longer belongs! The following is a quote from their website regarding this matter:

Resolution 6A creates for IAU usage a new class of objects, for which Pluto is the prototype. Resolution 6B introduces the name "plutonian objects" for this class. The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines "plutonian" as:
Main Entry: plu • to • ni • an
Pronunciation: plü-'tO-nE-&n
Function: adjective
Usage: often capitalized : of, relating to, or characteristic of Pluto or the lower world.

After having received inputs from many sides -- especially the geological community -- the term "Pluton" is no longer being considered.

An interesting piece of news from someone who I guess feels like a mother to Pluto.

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