Thursday, September 14, 2006


Today, we had the first rainy day of Fall, you know, gray clouds, the whole charade ... and today I realized how some things are more important in life than other things. I realized why you need to have others in your life although you feel free and strong, and I found out why some trees are green all year round. I felt the joy of having my siblings close by and I figured why I always like to keep a soduko puzzle on my desk ... I learnt many life lessons in a day which turned out not to be that bad after all ...


Pedram said...

and did you do research at all?! :D ;-)

dokhtare aftab said...

:)) enough that i can talk for more than an hour ;-)

Anonymous said...

try this site for sudoko i love it
I used to read your blog last year, havent read it for long time and i kinda missed it.
i liked your posts about relationships and stuff like that.
nothing in new posts :(

dokhtare aftab said...

hmm, i wonder why?